Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Review: Arm Candy

Arm Candy Arm Candy by Jessica Lemmon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love the cover!

I really enjoyed this but I think if you haven't read the first book you would miss a lot of the sexual tension that grows between Davis and Grace. I've noticed this with a few series where the seeds of a romance are planted in the previous book, if you are not careful the actual novel feels as though it is missing something; in this case the banter between Davis and Grace.

Davis is a stock analyst, even though he works at home he still wears a suit and tie EVERY day. Each night he comes to McGreevy's Pub for a Sam Adams, more often that not he leaves with a petite blonde on his arm, but rarely the same one. Grace is the red-haired bartender at McGreevy's, she and Davis trade insults nightly, until she bets him $100 that he won't go out with the next non-blonde that approaches him, $200 if it's a redhead. Challenge accepted, but Davis chooses Grace.

Davis really is the perfect date, thoughtful, attentive, caring, handsome and educated. Six years ago he was left at the altar by his redheaded fiancé and that has left some scars, and an aversion to redheads. But he finds Grace intriguing. Grace is the daughter of two divorce lawyers who stayed together for her sake, something she wishes they hadn't done. Since then, she has not seen her father which has also left a mark on her.

Can an uptight suit and a fiery bartender make a go of it? Hell yes!

I think I liked this even more than the first one. Can't wait to see who the third one is about. Is it the mysterious Dax or maybe Davis' colleagues Simpson and Charmaine?

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Bumped for release.

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