Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Review: The Christmas Promise

The Christmas Promise The Christmas Promise by Sue Moorcroft
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ava is a struggling milliner living with her friend Izzy in Camden Town. Her uber-successful parents have retired and run a quaint bookshop in France. Her lack of money has made Ava very careful about accepting anything, even from friends, because she can't reciprocate. Izzy and their other friend Tod invite her to their work's Christmas drinks party at a local pub where she meets their boss Sam. Sam owns a PR and marketing agency called Jermyn's which looks after a number of sports stars and other celebrities.

Sam asks Ava to make a hat for his mother who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and the two of them grow closer. But Ava's ex-boyfriend is not happy at being dumped and tries to blackmail her. Just as her professional life is looking up, could her personal life jeopardise everything?

Set in London (with a short trip to Middledip) at first I found it hard to get into a Sue Moorcroft book set in the city but soon I was totally engrossed in the Sam and Ava romance, enjoying the brushes with minor celebs and worrying about Sam's mum.

A great Christmas story

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