Sunday, 21 January 2018

Review: Dirty

Dirty Dirty by Kylie Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had high hopes for this but around the midway mark it fell into rinse and repeat sex and angst.

On her wedding day someone send Lydia an anonymous video of her fiancé and another guy. Distraught she runs away and hides in the cottage next door where she is eventually found by the homeowner.

Vaughan was in a band which has spectacularly combusted and he has come hose to North Idaho to lick his wounds and hopefully sell his parents' house to his sister Nell. He is not best pleased after a long journeyhome to find a half naked woman with crazy Panda eyes hiding in his bath, even if she does have a spectacular rack.

This started off zany and funny but after a while it seemed as though Vaughan and Lydia were woefully ignoring their own feelings and a host of other characters are introduced for later books.

I kept reading but it was nothing amazing.

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