Thursday, 22 March 2018

Review: Coming Unraveled

Coming Unraveled Coming Unraveled by Renee Harless
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 4%.

This has to be a new first, to give up on a book after just 4%! I have no idea whether the plot is going to be good or bad, I liked the premise - two enemies get married in Vegas (who doesn't love that plot) - but the writing made it impossible for me to continue without doing physical harm to myself and others.

Firstly the book is written in the present tense "Evelyn is X, Evelyn is Y" ad nauseum. I've read YA, present tense and first person POV are an irritant but not a deal breaker. Secondly the sentence construction is convoluted and twists and turns so much that sometimes the meaning is totally lost
She learned to stay out of people's business if she didn't want hers dug into.
The author uses "in lieu of" in the wrong context when she means 'as a result of'. And there's slut shaming when the 'heroine' talks about how
Tiffany, the town trollop, had hung all over Brooks at the baby shower...
There are names and relationships thrown around with no context, presumably as a recap on the previous books in this series (there have been four? Really?) but frankly for a new reader it is just unintelligible.

This appears to be self-published, in my opinion the author needs to get a professional editor and work on sentence construction - there could be an amazing story here but the writing prevented me from reading further.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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