Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Review: Ottercombe Bay: Part Four - Shaken and Stirred

Ottercombe Bay: Part Four - Shaken and Stirred Ottercombe Bay: Part Four - Shaken and Stirred by Bella Osborne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Part 4 of 4.

After enjoying part 3 I was kind of disappointed by part 4, in which we finally discover who the thief is, the arsonist is uncovered, there's a daring police sting, and Daisy finds out the truth about her mother's death all those years ago.

Things I noticed in this episode which I had noticed in previous episodes but were particularly irritating in this one:

1. Both Daisy and Max spent half the book leaping to conclusions, usually the wrong ones, and NEVER learned. At one point I noted on my Kindle that the two of them could have entered a long jump competition with all the jumping they were doing!

2. Daisy was Judgey-McJudge face. At various times she judged: Max, Tamsyn, her Aunt Coral, her mother, and her father.

3. Bella Osborne has a strange turn for a simile, for example:
Her head was swimming with a jumble of facts, her emotions unexpectedly unleashed like a warring dragon in one of Tamsyn's fantasy books.
Overall, I do wonder how this serialisation would read as a single novel, would it flow well or do the cliffhangers feel oddly staged in a novel?

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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