Thursday, 21 June 2018

Review: Counterfeit Boyfriend

Counterfeit Boyfriend Counterfeit Boyfriend by Cindi Madsen
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Did not finish at 26%.

Ordinarily I love Cindi Madsen novels, she's an auto-request/ one click buy for me but this just didn't do it for me.

Ethan is the more responsible, sensible twin, Evan the lay about good time guy. Evan has promised his girlfriend Gwen that he will go to a friend's wedding with her back in her home town, something which involves a road trip, as support for when she comes face to face with her cheating ex and her former BFF. Unfortunately, the wedding clashes with a boys trip and he has come to the conclusion that he and Gwen aren't really going anywhere romantically. But he's a nice guy and doesn't want to leave her to face her ex alone, so he asks Ethan to pretend to be him, just like they did when they were kids, show her a good time and then Evan will let her down gently when they get back. what could possibly go wrong?

Gwen is a quirky girl, she works as the office administrator for a veterinary practice, she loves oddball facts and she is looking forward to visiting the US's largest lighthouse and other sights as part of the road trip. The only problem is, she doesn't think there's any spark with Evan and she is going to break up with him. But when Ethan, masquerading as Evan, meets Gwen there is definitely a connection, a smoking' hot connection. And so, despite knowing it's a metaphorical car crash waiting to happen, Ethan agrees to go on the trip with Gwen whilst pretending to be his twin.

Why didn't I like this? It felt too juvenile, I know that Cindi Madsen writes NA/YA novels but this felt too young. I could see that the deception was going to blow up in Ethan's face - he knew it too and it felt too stupid. Also there were also too many clues that Ethan wasn't Evan, okay Gwen didn't know he had a twin, but come on - his hair grew like two inches in a few days! Overall, I couldn't suspend my disbelief and wasn't engaged by the story or the proposed road trip.

I received a free copy of this book from the publishers via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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