Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Review: Stay

Stay Stay by Karina Bliss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fabulous romance, even better it was free from the author!

Joe Fraser is a divorced dad, his ex-wife is about to remarry, he's swamped at work, his estranged father requires extensive (and expensive) rehab after a stroke and he feels like he's losing his daughter Kaitlin to his ex-wife's new boyfriend. He's not best pleased to be called at work by his daughter's school to find she's been fighting in the playground - and she was the instigator.

Philippa (Pip) Browne is a New Zealander working in the US for a year to get away from an ex who couldn't let go. She feels a lot of sympathy towards Kaitlin Browne who is clearly struggling with her parents' divorce and acting out the only way she can. Her father might be all kinds of handsome but he clearly doesn't understand his daughter and is driving an even bigger wedge between them. Pip just can't help interfering and cajoles Joe into being one of the parental escorts on a four day camping trip in order to get closer to his daughter. What follows is Joe and a team of four girls pitted themselves against Pip and a team of four boys to win the most competitions during the stay - despite Joe's girls' initial reluctance. But as rivalry falls into romance are there too many roadblocks in their way?

I loved this. The kids, the camping, Joe and Pip, Joe's estranged relationships with his family. As always the writing was engaging and I tore through the book in less than a day. Karina Bliss is definitely an autoclick writer for me.

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