My rating: 4 of 5 stars
At the end of the first book Zyndar Jev Dharrow and Zenia Cham have been appointed joint Captains of the new King Targyon's Crown Agents, their first task? Investigate the mysterious deaths of the three princes who should have inherited the throne but all died of the same blood disorder.
I saw someone who classified this as NA/YA fiction and while I always tend to think of that as high school teens and angst-angst-angst I can see where they were coming from. This may have lots of talk of bosoms nakedness but it is strictly PG. Having herself been the illegitimate daughter of a Zyndar who took no responsibility for his mistress or his offspring Zenia is determined not to have sex before marriage, in any event a Zyndar like Jev can't marry a commoner like Zenia, it just isn't done.
On to the story, the investigation leads Jev and Zenia to interview mad scientists and reluctant elves, Zenia gets a mysterious, and possibly dangerous, new dragon tear from the King, and there are numerous threats to Zenia's life, and possibly the King's.
If you like light-hearted swords and sorcery novels with snarky humour and double entendres then this is the series for you. Already half-way through the third book - that's three books in three days folks!
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