Friday, 8 March 2019

Review: Wild Country

Wild Country Wild Country by Anne Bishop
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's not long after Namid's teeth and claws wiped out huge swathes of humanity in Thasia as retaliation for the slaughter of the Wolfgard and other shifters.

Bennett is a small town close to the Wild Country, run by Toly Sanguinati there is a small population of terra indigene (non-humans) and a Wolfgard sherriff.

Jesse Walker is the unoffical leader of the nearby Intuit village (people with special skills like ESP or hunches), she tells Tolya that the towns need to get bigger, to replace those eliminated by the Elders, or it will stagnate and die. Accordingly Tolya opens up the land to a select group of people chosen by the Courtyard. But what Tolya and Jesse don't realise is that there is a viper in their midst, a wolf in sheep's clothing, and opening the town to settler will also bring outlaws and strife.

Into the mix strides Jana Paniccia, a newly qualified police officer who can't get a posting anywhere, until a mysterious call tells her to travel to the Courtyard for a jobs fair. Now this human is assisting a hostile Wolfgard sheriff and learning about life on the edge of the Wild Country.

I really enjoyed this book, it felt more accessible than the other books in the two series, maybe because it didn't flick backwards and forwards between seemingly unrelated people quite so much. Or maybe because the relationships were explained earlier?

The only thing I found a little confusing was that I couldn't really tell who was the focus of the novel, I assume it was Jana but she felt a little off-centre. Also, I get this is fantasy rather than romance but the romantic leads seemed a little blurred, almost as if the relationship between Jana and the sheriff was of more interest than the instalove.

Anyhoo, this is like saying there are too many toppings on my ice-cream - a nothing complaint. I loved it and can't wait for the next one, although I think there are more stories to tell in Bennett.

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