Sunday, 7 April 2019

Review: Kickin' It

Kickin' It Kickin' It by Rachel Van Dyken
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Matt KIngston is a former soccer player turned agent, a multimillionaire, approaching 40, and big brother to his much younger sister Willow. When Willow phones him at the crack of dawn trying to get him to agree to her apprenticing as an agent to him he is distracted by a lack of caffeine and a bust schedule so he has no idea what he eventually agreed to ... until Willow's friend Parker Speedman turns up at his door saying he has agreed to let her and Willow stay in his LA home.

Parker Speedman is a star soccer player, issues with her last coach culminated in her punching him in the face on live TV and have unfairly given her the reputation of being a hot-head, now Willow wants Matt to represent Parker and get her a place on a new team.

Matt is drawn to Parker immediately. She's beautiful, talented, funny, smart, everything he could ever ask for, she's also significantly younger than him, his client and living in his home - off-limits in so many ways!

This is a typical NA sports romance, heavy on the romance and angst and light on the sports aspect. I enjoyed the banter, the smexy times and the romance but didn't hit the heights of say Kulti and Matt wasn't Gabriel Scott from the delicious Managed. It was a light, enjoyable read but I thought this would be Kulti meets Managed and it wasn't.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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