Sunday, 7 July 2019

Review: Protect the Prince

Protect the Prince Protect the Prince by Jennifer Estep
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Warning this will contain spoilers for the first book in the series.

At the end of the first book Everleigh Blair had fought and defeated her cousin Vasilia to become queen of Bellona, but just because she's queen doesn't make life any easier. The nobles are placing bets on how long she'll stay alive, Maeven and the Mortan's are trying to kill her, some of the nobles are plotting to marry her off (to their own sons of course), she is in love with Lucas Sullivan but he refuses to take their relationship further because he is only the illegitimate son of the king of Andvar. And of course everyone still believes that Evie is a mutt, with very little magical powers whereas we now know that she can neutralise other people's magic.

In order to protect Bellona from invasion by Andvar Evie needs to forge an alliance with Andvar, but the King hasn't forgiven Bellona for the murder of his younger son and his attendants when Vasilia ascended the throne of Bellona by massacring her own mother and the Bellonian court with the assistance of Mortan spies. So Evie and her friends travel to Andvar to try to persuade the King but Mortan assassins and spies are everywhere and Evie's presence may be doing more harm than good. Can Evie follow her heart, protect Bellona and weed out the Mortan assassins while negotiating a deal?

I love a traditional fantasy in which the poor downtrodden servant/belittled sibling turns out to have extraordinary powers, yet remains humble alongside lots of swords and sorcery type battles and this reminded very much of those, like the David Eddings series, heck even Harry Potter.

Loved this, devoured it in one day reading until 3:30 am and I can not wait for the third installment.

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