Monday, 3 February 2020

Review: The 13th Witch

The 13th Witch The 13th Witch by Mark Hayden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Our hero, Conrad Clarke, is a former RAF pilot with a gammy leg. After being involved in something highly illegal (although potentially black ops) he is helped by an apparition which turns out to be a manifestation of the Norse God Odin. Odin wants to recruit Conrad to the King's Watch, a highly secretive society which investigates illegal use of Magick (yes, that's magic with a K) - just don't call them the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately, in order to join the Watch Conrad must first obtain a badge of office and that can only be obtained once he has undertaken a task - in this case find a missing witch.

I think if you enjoy the Rivers of London or The Chronicles of St Mary's series you will enjoy this series. Our plucky hero may have very little magickal ability, but he makes up for the lack with sneakiness and an understanding of how people behave.

I'm a sucker for books set in London and this one centres on Bank underground station and the Tower of London so I loved reading about a place I walk past five days a week. Now every time I see the statue of the Duke of Wellington outside Royal Exchange I will picture Conrad sitting there with his cigarette and coffee. I'm also tempted to look for the Churchill Arms to see if he is there with Alain and Vicky.

Anyway, its funny and clever and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And for the moment it's free to borrow on Amazon Prime.

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