Sunday, 29 March 2020

Review: The First Date

The First Date The First Date by Zara Stoneley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Rosie is that staple of romantic comedies, the frumpy woman who works in a bookshop. She and her long-term boyfriend have split up and she is trying to dip her toes in the dating pool but is totally clueless. When she gets stood up by her Tinder date she gets talking to an irritating guy at the bar, an obvious player, and he offers a crash-course in seduction to give her the confidence to chat up guys.

Noah is a charming architect, he loves first dates but second and third not so much. He thinks he would be perfect as a seduction guru: encouraging Rosie to buy clothes that make her feel good, rather than just for comfort and convenience; giving her tips about they way men think; teaching her to feel fear and do it anyway.

I enjoyed this but I found it dragged on a bit and I thought Noah's advice was mildly demeaning, pretty underwear makes you feel pretty, let men order you a drink because it makes them feel good etc. Overall, if you are looking for a makeover romance this is a fun read but it didn't feel different enough to catch my imagination.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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