Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Review: The Princess Knight

The Princess Knight The Princess Knight by G.A. Aiken
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Four and a half awesome stars!

See there's this War Monk called Gemma who becomes a Princess and she goes on a mission with a Centaur because she thinks her evil younger sister is killing holy people for some nefarious purpose.

Oh, and there's Witches and Virgins and Assassins and a Truce Monk and a Blood Warlock and a Nun and two Queens (one of whom is really a Blacksmith) and Dwarves. Sorry, forgot the chainmail. And Gods, how could I forget the Gods?

If all that sounds intriguing then I think you are going to love this. Every single member of the supporting cast of mages, witches, warlocks, nuns etc deserves their own book because each of them is intriguing (well, okay maybe not the virgins). There are battle and feasting, sometimes battles during a feast and that isn't even the best bit. Because, the end, holy cow … I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming!

If you've loved G.A. Aiken's other series Dragon Kin then I know you are going to love this and if you don't? Well have a go anyway.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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