Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Review: Christmas Wishes

Christmas Wishes Christmas Wishes by Sue Moorcroft
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A native of Middledip, Hannah is living her best life with her Swedish boyfriend and her shop in Stockholm. Her friend's brother Nico (who is Swedish) pops into the shop and the two of them get on famously, Nico even helps her to rearrange her store to show off her merchandise to its best.

Nico and Hannah meet again at Hannah's brother Rob's wedding in Middledip, sparks fly until Nico finds out that Hannah has a live-in boyfriend in Stockholm.

Nico has a high-powered job, splitting his time between London and Stockholm with the help of his live-in cousin Emelie and a nanny called Tilly. But when his ex-wife Loren starts drinking again he can no longer leave their daughter Josie with her and is forced to take over full caring responsibility for both Josie and Loren's daughter Maria. When his cousin moves out to live with her boyfriend, and TIlly proves unwilling to take on additional hours, or even vary her working hours, Nico is stuck between a rock and a hard place. His mother-in-law is obsessed with her husband's impending heart bypass and her daughter's rehab, she refuses to help with childcare as well. Nico's boss is unsympathetic and Nico decides his only option is to rent out his pricey London apartment and move to a small cottage in Middledip where he can live off the rent differential and care for two small children.

Meanwhile, Hannah's life in Stockholm has fallen apart and she too is forced to move back to Middledip to care for her grandmother who has broken her wrist.

Can these two childhood friends find love?

I love, love, love Sue Moorcroft's Middledip romances, I don't know why they speak to me more than her other romances but they do. Here we are again, with a smattering of Swedish style, as Christmas approaches complete with cute moppets and a Christmas fayre. This novel was no exception, heart-warming, funny, cute and as comforting as a cup of Heinz cream of tomato soup. Loved Nico, loved Hannah, loved Hannah's Nan, a perfect Christmas romance.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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