Saturday, 31 October 2020

Review: The Man I Didn’t Marry

The Man I Didn’t Marry The Man I Didn’t Marry by Anna Bell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellie and Max are happily married, one little girl, another baby on the way, they have moved back to their home town and a dilapidated old house from London. Then Max loses his memories of the last five years. Suddenly his only memories of Ellie are as his little sister's geeky BFF, who he not so affectionately calls Spider. He doesn't remember that he's no longer talking to his father, or that his sister is gay.

The doctors say that Max could regain his memory any day now, but what if he doesn't? His parents don't want to rock the boat by telling him about their divorce, but Ellie has bigger problems, her reliable husband has now regressed to a guy more interested in chatting up other women and excess drinking, just what a woman wants when she is heavily pregnant!

Ellie tries to recreate their special moments, but as she and Max get to know one another again she finds this Max may be even better than the old one. But as she starts to uncover the reasons for Max's memory loss the secrets start to unravel. Is this the beginning of a new, better, marriage or the end?

I can totally see this as a zany British comedy, the sort of thing Hugh Grant would have been in back in the day. Ellie has always had Max on a pedestal, he was the school Adonis while she was the skinny nerd that the cool girls picked on and she had an almighty crush on him, so to be demoted from beloved wife to his sister's goofy friend is a horrible shock.

Overall, a cute romantic comedy that will make you laugh out loud, loved the yummy-mummies WhatsApp group and the breakfast swinging scene!

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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