Sunday, 15 November 2020

Review: Shame the Devil

Shame the Devil Shame the Devil by Rosalind James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jennifer Cardello got pregnant at 15. Now, eighteen years later, she is the property manager for former NFL quarterback Blake Orbison's Wild Horse resort, now that the resort is finished Blake doesn't need her anymore. Blake is a good guy, he's offered Jennifer jobs elsewhere or to set her up with some of his former teammates who need a personal organiser, to help her think through her options he offers her a holiday in Yellowstone Snow Lodge with her boyfriend, but Jennifer chooses to take her daughter Dyma instead.

Harlan Kristiansen is an NFL wide receiver. He's spending time with Owen, one of his younger teammates, rather than with his family or friends in the run-up to the Superbowl after flubbing a catch which means his team is sitting out this year's game.

Harlan and Owen, Jennifer and Dyma are all staying at the lodge when their paths cross, practically literally, whilst skiing. There's an instant attraction between Jennifer and Harlan and between Dyma and Owen, but motherhood and caution and all that good stuff could get in the way.

This was such a satisfying romance: plenty of angst and drama, lots of steamy scenes (phew were they steamy! As Alan Bennett would say, I had to go and make some scones), mother and daughter tension, real-life versus NFL fantasy, chasing your dreams, learning to listen to your heart all the good stuff. I honestly can say I would happily read a novel featuring any of the side characters from this book: Owen; Dyma; any of Harlan's sisters.

I can't articulate how this series differs from her New Zealand Ever After series other than to say it feels grittier. Both series feature some fundamental life-changing events and yet for some reason this series feels bleaker, as though their lives are somehow darker. Maybe it's because the townsfolk are less kind?

Anyway all I know is that I got a banner notification on my iPhone at just gone midnight on Friday that the book had been delivered to my Kindle and I just had to start reading immediately.

Loved it.

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