Thursday, 31 December 2020

Review: Sweetest Scoundrel

Sweetest Scoundrel Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gah, read it, forgot to review it, can't remember whether I liked it or not! But I'm trying to clear out all the books I read in 2020 ready for a new year.

Eve Dinwoody's brother has left her in charge of his finances. He expressly told her not to interfere with Harte's Folly but she can't sit by while Asa Makepeace spends money like water.

This is the trope where a man initially thinks a woman is ugly and shrewish but, as he gets to know her, changes his mind over time. At first Asa is coarse and unkind about Eve but gradually he comes to appreciate her qualities and finds her attractive - not because she changes her appearance, but because he sees the good in her.

Asa is desperately trying to rebuild Harte's Folly and open it in time for the season, but a series of accidents start to escalate and it seems as though someone doesn't want the Folly to re-open.

I'm not sure whether I knew who was behind the sabotage (and why) because I have read the books out of order, or because I have read something similar before, it may even have been that I have read this book before and (yet again) failed to write a review!

Anyway, the book was engaging and a fun read, but as I said, the plot was familiar.

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