Saturday, 13 February 2021

Review: Falling for Irish

Falling for Irish Falling for Irish by Katie Reus
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Computer security expert Kathryn Irish can't believe her latest job is in one of her ex-boyfriend Daniel MacArthur's buildings, and of course she runs into him in the lobby because that's not at all embarrassing. Billionaire with no known occupation (okay there might have been but I can't recall how he earned his billions) Daniel doesn't know what went wrong between him and Kathryn but now they've been thrown together he's going to do everything in his power to keep her in his life.

I started this novella totally enthralled by the STEM heroine with a job to do, totally professional and living her best life. Daniel was also a great hero, okay he ticks a lot of obvious romance cliches but hey it's a romance. Unfortunately for me the novella started to go downhill about the halfway mark. First. there was the obligatory love scene which went on and on, or maybe they just did it several times with no plot advancement in between. Even worse, I felt that I had read that same scene, using the same words, in several other Katie Reus novels. Then there was the totally obvious suspense element, it felt like it was thrown in at the last minute and Katie Reus didn't really commit to it, blink and you missed it (if only the same were true of the love scenes - sorry for the mealy-mouthed review but otherwise B&N makes me use asterisks to get reviews through their sensitive sensors).

Full-disclosure, I am not a great fan of Katie Reus' contemporary works, what works well in PNR, which is a bit of an OTT genre, does not translate well (for me) in contemporary romance or romantic suspense. So, you are right, I shouldn't have requested the ARC, I know, but I always hope that one day she'll get it right for me.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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