Sunday, 13 June 2021

Review: Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract Opposites Attract by Jacqueline Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Megan is a science journalist, living her best life. Something made even better when she passes the flatmate test to share an apartment with Josh in New York. Josh is her ideal man, cute, geeky, interested in all those nerdy science and nature documentaries on TV. Megan doesn't understand why her dislike of (American) football was a clincher when Josh interviewed her, little does she know that Josh's older brother Brandon is a famous professional football player. As the only nerd in a family of football fanatics Megan always felt left out and different to her siblings.

Megan's attempts to charm Josh are thwarted at every turn by Brandon who has taken to hanging around their apartment like a third roomie, not getting the nerdy jokes or understanding the articles they discuss. At least he and Megan have some twisted sniping routine between them. For Brandon's part it's nice to meet a woman who likes or dislikes him for his personality and looks, not because he pulls in eight figures a year in salary, before endorsements. But it doesn't matter how rich and successful Brandon is, his parents will always favour Josh, because he's a scientist like them.

I loved every page of this, Science Barbie meets Football Ken. The banter is slick and charming, the characters are engaging and I was swept along effortlessly with this cute opposites-attract romantic comedy.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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