Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Review: A Rogue's Company

A Rogue's Company A Rogue's Company by Allison Montclair
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Iris Sparks and Gwen Bainbridge own and run London's first dating agency, they are taken aback when they are approached by a young black man seeking a wife, realising that their business model has been very narrowly focused on white British people. But ever willing, Iris and Gwen endeavour to find Simon Daile a suitable wife, despite Gwen's misgivings that Simon is lying to them.

Then Lord Bainbridge (Gwen's dictatorial father-in-law) returns from an extended trip to Africa, within mere hours he has sacked little Ronnie's nursemaid and countermanded all Gwen's (and her late husband's) plans for Ronnie's education locally, rather than the hateful boarding school that Ronnie loathed. There is mystery surrounding Lord Bainbridge's return, his nightly excursions to the Livingstone Club, and the mysterious death of an African servant, whose body was found close to the club.

I had certain expectations as to how this was going, and I was totally wrong! This was a clever, interesting mystery which I thoroughly enjoyed. We see more of Iris' backstory, and her romance with the East End gangster Archie Spelling has its ups and downs.

This series does not disappoint and I can't wait for the next one.

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