Friday, 3 September 2021

Review: Just One Look

Just One Look Just One Look by Rosalind James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Dr Elizabeth Wolcott takes a one year sabbatical as a neurosurgeon to New Zealand when her boyfriend dumps her on Christmas Eve because she spends more time at work than she does on their relationship. Elizabeth's move, over her domineering father's strenuous objections is intended to be a reboot, an attempt to have a real life, with friends, hobbies, pets, plants, basically all the things she has given up in order to be the best in her field.

Luka Darkovic is a rugby player for the Auckland Blues and the New Zealand All Blacks (the national squad, so-called because their shorts and tops are all black). At thirty-three years old he is nearing the end of his professional career and nursing injuries. Luka's teammates might all be loved up and producing kids but he is most definitely not the marrying kind, and he's very clear about that to all his dates.

Luka and Elizabeth's paths first cross when the dog which came with the house she swapped with a New Zealand family runs amuck in the street. Then they meet again when Elizabeth is the neurosurgeon assigned to give Luka a cortisone injection to alleviate the pain in his neck, caused by repeated traumatic injuries whilst playing rugby.

I really liked this initially, the socially awkward neurosurgeon with the playboy, him being attracted to the fact that she is so different from all the women who want to be a rugby WAG (wives and girlfriends FYI). The more Elizabeth treats Luka like a friend, the more he wants to make things romantic, it was very cute. Then suddenly, the pony-tailed, no make-up, flat-shoes, black slacks and white blouse career woman started wearing stilettoes and stockings, oh and apparently had always had a sexy underwear habit (despite working 15-20 hour days and not wearing anything other than plain underwear at work). And then, the sexual gymnastics started and Elizabeth suddenly wanted rough sex/to be dominated, now okay it wasn't every time and Luka was very clear on making sure Elizabeth was into it, but it still jarred on me. It smacked too much of a makeover when Elizabeth had never even worn perfume before and then suddenly she's (metaphorically) swinging from the chandeliers and wearing sexy clothes. Don't even get me started on the hair pulling which is a pet peeve of mine.

Parts of this were a four for me and parts were a three - so three and a half stars it is.

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