My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Olive Smith has discovered that her best friend Anh is secretly in love with Olive's ex-boyfriend, and the feelings are reciprocated. But girl-code means Anh can't act on her feelings, even though Olive only went out with him for about five minutes, so she lies and tells Anh that she is seeing someone else. Unfortunately, Anh sees Olive in the college lab on a Saturday night, when she should be out on her hot date, so Olive panics and kisses the nearest guy, begging him to be her fake boyfriend. The object of Olive's kiss turns out to be the college's nasty professor Adam Carlson, but rather than shoot her down in flames, he plays along.
Adam might reduce half his students to tears with his scathing comments on their work, but out of the lab he turns out to be a bit of a sweetheart, which is just as well because gossip like a student dating a professor is never going to stay quiet for long.
I love a fake romance, and the professor/student thing was tastefully done, Adam is one of those hotshots who is only a few years older than Olive, and he isn't her teacher. Olive is adorably awkward and Adam reveals his own insecurities. The only thing I wasn't so keen on was the pantomime villain, he was too unsubtle and might just as well have been preceded by big speech bubbles saying 'villain approaching'.
OVerall, a sweet, if predictable, romance.
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