My rating: 4 of 5 stars
DC Emma Bellamy is the only detective in the Supe Squad, she's responsible for the first Supernatural Summit which is taking place in a London hotel and it's imperative for her professionally but also for Supes in general that the summit is a success. It's been difficult enough to persuade the different Supe factions to come under one roof, now she has to worry about human protestor and a scurrilous gutter journalist who will stop at nothing to get some dirt on the Supes.
Added to which an omega wolf has just returned to London after a decade's banishment and is nearly beaten to death outside Lord Horvath's house, and a random human has decided to run around naked in Central London claiming he's a vampire. Funnily enough, both claim to know something about a mysterious man called The Chief.
Then if things weren't tense enough The Chief is found murdered in the hotel, it could only be one of the Supes - but if word gets out that a human was murdered by Supes, there will never be any peace between humans and Supes.
Yet another engaging, funny and intriguing mystery in this series. Less reliance on Emma's phoenix abilities this time and the identity of the murderer was a surprise - so that's good.
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