My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When Bea(trice) Archer loses her well-earned promotion to a man who is by far her inferior she's had enough of California, the egg-white omelettes, the turmeric lattes, and the incessant need to be totally groomed. She's spent her entire adult life working hard, giving the proverbial 110%, giving up on friends and relationships, for what? The old boy network., that's what. So she throws a dart at a map and ends up in the small town of Credence, Colorado where she starts to binge-watch TV series she never had time for before whilst generally throwing the California rulebook out of the window. Yep, that means beer for breakfast, not washing her hair, living in baggy sweats and bunny slippers, and eating pie every day.
When a concerned citizen spots Bea ambling into the pie shop dressed (it has to be said) like someone a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, the local law officers are called, enter Officer Austin Cooper. Now Austin might very well be a junior police officer in a small town, but he did his training in Denver, he just always wanted to be a police officer in his home town. He might be a stickler for the rules, but he has a wicked sense of humour, and he likes what he sees.
After the slightly grittier third book, this is a return to the Goldie Hawn-esque romantic comedy of the first two books. I particularly enjoyed the way in which Austin cited imaginary laws that Bea was breaking (for example by wearing her days of the week panties on the wrong days). Maybe Austin was just too perfect to be true, especially for a younger man - but this is romance for crissakes, and why can't we have a perfect hero?
Loved it. BUT I really want Arlo's story, there's a teaser for it, and I want it STAT!
I received an ARC from teh publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
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