Monday, 12 December 2022

Review: Doc Showmance

Doc Showmance Doc Showmance by Zoe Forward
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What happens when your college nemesis gets a job at your place of work and a reality TV producer thinks it would be a good idea to manufacture a romance between you?

Amber is an emergency vet, specialising in surgery. She is just one year from residency and is one of the stars of a reality TV programme about the practice. Ian presents a wildlife TV show which seems to necessitate him stripping off his shirt at regular intervals, but when a snafu with the producer's wife gets the show dropped he is blackmailed into coming on board Amber's veterinary show.

Amber and Ian were at veterinary college together, competing at every turn, until Ian humiliated Amber on Valentine's Day and his friends posted the evidence online. She's do absolutely anything to avoid Ian, but her foster-brother owes a loan shark $30,000 and she desperately needs the money.

But while Amber and Ian think they are enemies, the viewing public (and the canny editing of the footage) sees something completely different. But can this be an opposites attract, enemies to lovers, romance?

Zoe Forward is new to me, I liked Amber's feisty spirit and potty mouth. Also I liked that the veterinary scenes weren't all smooching cuddy cats. Ian's douche-y family were deliciously OTT villains and Amber's foster-siblings were each great characters. I liked the way Amber and Ian subverted the producer's plans. However, I did feel that the novel started to tread water about halfway in and could have done with more everyday reality TV activities (rather than the Pretty Woman-esque trip to San Francisco to see Ian's parents at Thanksgiving).

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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