Saturday, 26 February 2022

Review: A Catalogue of Catastrophe

A Catalogue of Catastrophe A Catalogue of Catastrophe by Jodi Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Phew, what a ride!

I have to confess I've missed a few books in the St Mary's series as I found the interactions between Clive Ronin (boo, hiss) and Max to fall into the heroine TSTL category - it was like she was every stupid heroine in every horror film ever, insisting on going off alone and walking into a trap EVERY TIME. So I skipped a few books here and there. Which is a long-winded way of saying I don't know how Max and Markham started working as Recovery Agents with Smallhope and Pennyroyal but I like it, the break from St Mary's has allowed Jodi Taylor to cease and desist with the every-growing checklist of quirks and in-jokes that were threatening to overwhelm the plot (according to my own review of book 11 (Plan for the Worst).

Anyway, Max and Markham are recovering criminals and other miscreants who are misusing (try just using) time to escape punishment for their crimes. They then hand the criminals over to justice and get paid a small fortune in return.

Then one day the house is rudely awakened by an attack from forces unknown, although one of them seems to know Max, which leads to Max taking a job undercover to investigate what appears to be a harmless historical research organisation.

There's lots of lovely great historical moments, from the signing (although you will learn that King John didn't actually sign it) of the Magna Carta to the Gunpowder Plot. But more seriously, all of Max's to-ing and fro-ing in time is starting to catch up with her, so every jump may be her last.

This has breathed a new life into the series for me. High-octane drama, familiar characters and jokes, great historical insight, and that special je ne said quoi which is all Jodi Taylor. Now I'm going back to read book 12.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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