Monday, 25 April 2022

Review: Nora Goes Off Script

Nora Goes Off Script Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nora Hamilton is a divorced mother of two, she writes formulaic small-town romances for The Romance Channel. Her ex-husband came from old money which had been frittered away, he has always spent her earnings on anything he wanted (cars, golf clubs, get-rich-quick schemes) leaving her to scrimp and save. When he finally announced he couldn't "do this anymore" or words to that effect, Nora felt nothing but relief, finally she would be free from a drain on her emotions and finances. His leaving also led to Nora writing a dark screenplay about their lives and eventual separation which is being made into a film starring heart-throb Leo Vance. Nora may just have a soft spot for Leo, having seen many of his films and can pinpoint each of his smiles to specific films. The one thing she is less keen on is his trademark smoulder, although it got him noticed it seems to appear in every film, sometimes at inappropriate moments.

Nora has agreed that the film crew can spend two days filming at her run down home in Hudson Valley, particularly in the picturesque Tea Room which features so prominently in the breakdown of her marriage. What she didn't envisage was just how entitled (and drunk) Leo was going to be, or that he would offer her $1,000 a night to stay on after filming. Whilst everything in her screams to reject Leo's request, the lure of having enough money to fix the guttering, or to cover next year's taxes wins out.

Leo is endlessly fascinated (and sometimes horrified) at the minutiae of everyday life: going to the grocery store; choosing bananas; Meatloaf Wednesdays; only buying steak on Sunday when its on sale; laundry; after-school activities, etc.

Can a single-mom and a world-famous Hollywood actor fall in love? And will it last?

I'll be honest, I loved it. I loved Leo and I loved Nora - not a very insightful review I know! My first book by this author but I will definitely look out for others.

I was invited to read a free copy of the book by Hodder & Stoughton, via NetGalley, in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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