Monday, 27 June 2022

Review: Before I Do

Before I Do Before I Do by Sophie Cousens
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It's Audrey's wedding day, but things aren't going to plan, not least because 'the one that got away' has come as her future sister-in-law's date to the wedding. Told in flashbacks and rolling forwards from the wedding rehearsal, Audrey has to decide whether she wants to marry solid dependable Josh or take a chance on Fred, a man she had one date with six years earlier.

I really enjoyed Just Haven't Met You Yet but I have to say I didn't warm to this book. First, I found Audrey a bit of an unsympathetic character. Second the catalogue of disasters that is the wedding degenerated into slapstick/farce, frankly I would have seen it as a sign that the universe didn't want Audrey and Josh to get married. Third, all the flashbacks and flashforwards meant that every event was forewarned so that by the time the reader got to find out what really happened this reader didn't care. There was too much drama, too many 'quirky' side characters who added nothing but detracted from the plot. I think this book was having a crisis of identity, it didn't know whether it was romance, screwball comedy, or voyage of self-discovery.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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