Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Review: The Heretic Royal

The Heretic Royal The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Where even to start with this?

I love G.A. Aiken and her alter-ego Shelly Laurenston and I think I've read pretty much everything published under both names. I was really enjoying this new series, I gave four stars to the first book and four and a half stars to the second (which is HIGH in my world) but this book, I don't even know what the point was or frankly whether anything happened, the romance was so muted it was non-existent, and the focus of the story seemed to be either on Annwyl the Bloody (hurrah, love the Mad Queen) or the princess that I assume will be the focus of the next book.

In fact, I keep having to re-read the synopsis of the book to remember who are supposed to be the romantic couple, nope its gone again!

I would classify this as the middle book of the series. Our new family meet Annwyl and her dragons (which sadly goes to show how much more depth of character they have compared to the new characters), the evil sister is even more evil than before, dragons are being dragons, most heinous, I don't recall any super smexy love scenes when the Dragon Kin series was wall-to-wall hawt dragon shenanigans between the sheets.

Overall, without Annwyl and her bickering children this would have been a two star at best.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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