Monday, 27 March 2023

Review: Summer at the Cornish Farmhouse

Summer at the Cornish Farmhouse Summer at the Cornish Farmhouse by Linn B. Halton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When Jess' husband leaves her for another woman she is devastated, so when her grandfather offers her the chance of a new life in his Cornish farmhouse she and her eight year old daughter Lola jump at the chance.

Jess is determined to restore the farmhouse and surrounding farmyard outbuildings and barns to expand the fledgling camping and holiday cottage business she has started, but her long-term goal has to be restoring Renweneth Manor, the derelict old house and gardens sitting on their land.

Jess has done most of the renovations herself, with some assistance from specialists like electricians, but when all round handyman and builder Riley offers to give Jess two days a week of his time she can really get going with the renovations.

This was pleasant enough, but there was no conflict, no drama, even the romance was low-key, and as a result when I got to the end I felt a little as though nothing had happened. Or maybe that this is the first chapter in a series? Anyway, a gentle romance where no-one is ever mean or unkind might just be your cup of tea on a bad day.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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