Sunday, 11 June 2023

Review: This Spells Love

This Spells Love This Spells Love by Kate Robb
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Gemma has just split up from her safe, boring boyfriend of four years and she's devastated, after a lifetime of her older sister basically bringing her up because her parents were too flaky she was looking for dependable, a man with a ten year life plan.

When her kooky Aunt Livi tells her about a love cleansing spell she found in an old book she has just picked up for her New Age book shop Gemma decides to give it a whirl (alcohol may have been involved), in order for the spell to work it needs to be sealed with a kiss - and who better than Gemma's best friend Dax? In fact, if things had gone slightly differently four years ago Gemma and Dax might have been dating, but Stuart swept in with his confident swagger and the moment was lost. When Dax and Gemma kiss something clicks, but could Gemma risk losing her BFF if things went South? Gemma's not someone who likes change and unpredictability, she even makes her sister watch The Bachelor first so that she knows in advance who gets the rose. Gemma goes to bed thinking 'what if?'.

When Gemma wakes up she's no longer in her swanky apartment, she's in a strange man's bed, the doorman at her apartment doesn't know her, her phone has changed from an iPhone to a Samsung, the keys on her keyring are different and apparently she now lives in a grotty basement apartment. Worst of all, Dax doesn't even know her, in fact he suspects she's a stalker because she knows so much about him. It appears that Aunt Livi's spell has worked and since it can only take place at the time of a waning gibbous moon.

Things aren't all bad, the reason Gemma lives in such an awful apartment is that in this reality she has fulfilled her fantasy of opening a clean beauty shop, not far away from Dax's custom sneaker shop in fact. Some of her friends remain the same, although there are a few awkward moments when Gemma is greeted by people she's never met before. It turns out that the Gemma in this reality has done a lot of things that the other Gemma wanted to do but didn't because Stuart didn't like it or thought it would be a bad idea. Slowly Gemma comes to realise that she can try different things and experiment.

As Gemma gets to know the Dax in this reality she realises that she loves him (in either reality) and it seems as though this Dax is falling in love with her, but can she stay in this reality for love, fun, and the job of her dreams or should she return to her own reality with a job she only took for the salary and benefits, but has the advantage of her long-standing friendship with Dax?

Once again, I liked it but I didn't love it. I think the reader was waaaay ahead of Gemma in both realities and she seemed pretty self-absorbed, not noticing problems with her sister or Dax until long after they were first signalled. Also the book relied on Aunt Livi having psychic flashes at opportune times to move the plot along.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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