Thursday, 6 July 2023

Review: Just Another Missing Person

Just Another Missing Person Just Another Missing Person by Gillian McAllister
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Four and a half stars.

I absolutely loved Wrong Place Wrong Time when I read it last year. I honestly read it and then boom a section would end, the story would change and I would say (Out loud) WTAF? I didn't see any of it coming and I was blown away by the way such a bizarre concept could create such a tense mystery. So long story short, when I saw this available as an ARC I requested it immediately.

Julia is a dedicated DCI. Her only regret is that an incident that happened a year ago with her daughter prevented her from investigating the disappearance of a young woman, Sadie, who was never found.

Now a second young woman has disappeared a year later and Julia vows to do everything in her power to find her, dead or alive. But there are lots of oddities about Olivia's death, not least that she was seen entering a dead-end alleyway and never left. Olivia had recently changed her phone, her job, and moved into a new flatshare - are any of these things connected to her disappearance? Even her social media posts seem off.

Then a masked man breaks into Julia's car and tells her he has evidence of what happened a year ago, evidence that would end Julia's career and put her daughter in prison. He will expose Julia unless she plants evidence to incriminate a man and get him arrested for Olivia's murder.

Now Julia has to go against all her instincts in order to protect her daughter, while still searching for Olivia.

This was plenty twisty and turny, although I don't think it quite reaches the heights of the previous novel, also I sort of guessed part of it, although I also got it wrong - so maybe the truth is that I spotted that something might be important and part of the mystery.

Anyway, loved it, read it in a single day and couldn't put it down.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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