Saturday, 19 August 2017

Review: Level Me Up

Level Me Up Level Me Up by Lauren Helms
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 23%

So this is a first, recently the only books I'm not hating are NA/YA, particularly at the younger end of the scale - but this one is the exception.

Morgan is dragged by her 'friends' to Comic-Con. I use inverted commas because these are the sort of friends who call you bad names, drag you into bad situations and never have your back. Morgan is totally full of herself.
I don't ever admit this out loud, but I have a really nice pair of breasts. I know that sounds vain, but it's the truth. There is nothing worse that not being able to fill out that killer halter top you're dying to buy.
I mean really? NOTHING worse? Her friend also makes ridiculous sweeping generalisations which made me want to slap her and tell her she was an immature child (if that's not an oxymoron)
"Yeah. Basically, I can tell if a guy is worth the time in thirty seconds or less. It's all about eye contact. If a guy can't keep up the eye contact for at least ten seconds, he's weak. If he can, then I'm intrigued."

I hated Morgan's 'voice', I hated the constant "I"," I"," I", I know that "spaz" isn't an offensive term in the US, but it is in the UK and I found its use to be unpleasant. Overall, I tried to read this book three times and couldn't get into it. Even the insta-lurve when Morgan meets the worlds greatest gamer felt fake.

Maybe I'm too old for this but I just couldn't feel any liking for self-obsessed Morgan and the stilted self-absorbed first person POV.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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