Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Review: Ready to Run

Ready to Run Ready to Run by Lauren Layne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

And Lauren Layne does it again!

Now I have to confess that I wasn't 100% convinced by the blurb (can't stand reality TV) but, hey, it's Lauren Layne so I still clicked pre-order and when I saw an ARC on NetGalley I requested it immediately.

What can I say? Trust in LL to do it right.

So, this is a kind of re-imagining of the film Runaway Bride, but this time its the groom, Luke Elliott, who has left three women at the altar.

Jordan is a New York TV associate producer and has been tasked with finding male contestants for a new TV show Jilted; a cross between the Bachelor and Runaway Bride in which men who have left multiple brides at the altar are presented with 25 women to tempt them down the altar. Jordan is convinced that Luke would be an ideal candidate if only the hunky firefighter from Lucky Hollow, Montana would answer her calls/ emails/ letters. So Jordan and one of the lawyers, Simon, have travelled to small town Montana to persuade Luke in person.

First off, let me reassure you (or disappoint you), we don't get to see any reality TV show. This is all about Jordan reconnecting with her small town roots and trying to persuade Luke (with the help of his friends and family) to do the show.

I loved this. I loved Luke, he was such a great guy, dog owner and cat rescuer, kind to small children, great brother etc. I mean, who wouldn't love him? Jordan too was a great character, despite her New York veneer she has small town roots and it isn't long before Lucky Hollow is reminding her of the joys of a small town where everyone knows your business.

Although there is still a New York connection this is a bit of a change for Lauren Layne and I loved it, Luke 'feels' a bit older than LL's usual heroes but hubba hubba he's a keeper.

Can't wait for the next one ...

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Bumped for release.

View all my reviews

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