Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Review: Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls Deck the Halls by Donna Alward
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Bah humbug! While I love getting books before they are published in order to review them I H.A.T.E. reviewing Christmas books in September/ October, especially one after the other - note to self don't request them next time, d'oh!

I enjoy the Darling, VT novels so I was keen to read this novella set at Christmas, apparently loosely based around the film It's A Wonderful Life (which I have never seen) this concentrates on ex-soldier George who, until a year ago was a homeless man living on the streets (if that isn't an oxymoron). Anyway George is turning his life around but he still lives a very spartan life, almost like a monk, haunted by the death of his best friend Ian in the Middle East on a mission.

Amy is Ian's older sister, she has travelled to Darling, VT to see George and ask him to explain to Ian's family how he died, they don't want to blame, they just want closure.

Can George move past the memories of his friend's death and overcome his low self-esteem to find true friendship and love at Christmas?

This was a pleasant enough novella, slightly too saccharine for my tastes although kudos for not giving George and Amy a Hallmark "and everyone lived happy ever after, the end" ending.

Although it is set in Darling, VT it would be easy to read this novella as a stand-alone.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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