Saturday, 28 October 2017

Review: Ink and Bone

Ink and Bone Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How did it take me so long to read this book?

It's 2025, the Great Library of Alexandria never fell and instead it and its agents rule the written word. Jess and h S family are book smugglers, selling real books to the highest bidder, a job that requires stealth and cunning to deliver contraband under the noses of the English Garda.

When he is 16 years old Jess' father informs him that he will never be ruthless enough to take over the business because he values books more than his own life, instead he has bought him an opportunity to join the library by taking the entrance exams in London.

Soon Jess is on his way to Alexandria with a group of similar postulates to undergo a series of tests to determine who is worthy to join the Library, whether as garda, scholar, obscurist or other.

Imagine a world where: automata guard various daughter libraries across the world; where everyone is given a personal journal at birth, which is then returned to the Library at death; where Burners rebel for the freedom to keep their own thoughts private from the Library; where people can download books into 'blanks' to read and the wealthy can own a library of blanks; where the Library is omnipotent and resistant to change.

I love a good fantasy series, I grew up on David Eddings and Robert Jordan and this reminded me of why I love them so much; the group of characters, the misfits, the rebellion. So glad I already have the next two books ready to read.

Bonus? It's only 99p on Kindle at the moment.

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