Thursday, 1 February 2018

Review: The Emerald Lily

The Emerald Lily The Emerald Lily by Juliette Cross
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve admired the covers of books in this series but I’m kind of over the whole vampire as hero trope. Too much, too quickly I guess. But I was entranced by the cover and intrigued enough by the blurb to request this book.

Am I glad I did! This was a bodice-ripping, fang-dripping rollercoaster of a novel complete with princesses, evil witches, cute moppets, secret rebellions and shifters.

Loosely based on Sleeping Beauty (and maybe Snow White), the vampire Princess Mina is locked into a perpetual sleep caused by blood deprivation, punishment for refusing to sleep with the evil Queen Morgrid’s despicable son Dominik.

She is awakened by the blood kiss of Captain Mikhail Romanov, leader of the Black Lily, a group of noble vampires united against Morgrid’s reign of terror.

It’s fast-paced, there’s the obligatory “mine” and lots of fangs and I loved it. Although it is not the first book in the series it can easily be read as a stand-alone as I did.

I received free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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