Saturday, 17 February 2018

Review: Her Devoted HERO

Her Devoted HERO Her Devoted HERO by Caitlyn O'Leary
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Is it me? Recently all I seem to have read are books which have an identity crisis, and this is no exception.

The book started off well, Navy SEAL Dex Evans' friends have signed him up to a dating website and emailed hundreds of women expressing interest. Being the good guy he is, he is emailing each and every woman who responded to apologise and explain that his account had been hacked. But then he finds a charming, funny and self-deprecating response from a woman calling herself SNMP - So Not Mary Poppins. Although he goes off on a mission Dex manages to continue a tentative relationship with Mary Poppins and gets his brilliant buddies to track down her real name and address, he can tell she is having second, third and fourth thoughts about sending him that response. Mary Poppins is really single mom and nurse Kenna Wright. I loved Kenna's response, it was witty and natural and engaging.

Then we find that Kenna has a second job as a personal assistant to a wealthy, eccentric elderly woman called Rosalie Randall. Rosalie has taken a vested interest in Kenna's love life, she even persuaded her grandson Buddy to buy the dating website just so that the two of them could check up on Kenna and how many responses she receives!! Frankly this was a ridiculous plot device and I have a pet loathing for interfering elderly people acting as cupid.

Then one of Kenna's friends at the hospital is murdered in her own home and the police suspect it may be linked to the dating website that both women were members of. Suddenly this had slipped from a humorous romance to a farce and then to a suspense. Dex turned into an obnoxious he-man, issuing orders left right and centre, despite the fact that he and Kenna had only been on two dates. I would go further and say that Dex cross a line and ventured into that creepy territory where he was overstepping his relationship with Kenna. As usual, the police were hostile and only the Navy SEALs could uncover the identity of (view spoiler) killer.

It was okay, but the three parts of the book didn't really hang together very well in my opinion. I also have very little patience for characters who fall in love instantly and then won't listen when the other person isn't on the same page. Again, borderline stalker.

This is the second book in a series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone and TBH I have no idea which characters could have been in the first book as I didn't get that vibe from any of the other characters.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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