Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Review: Reluctant Concubine

Reluctant Concubine Reluctant Concubine by Dana Marton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I saw lots of positive comments about this book so when I saw it on offer as a Kindle freebie I jumped at the chance to get what seemed to be a cult fantasy novel.

Hmm. This started well, Tera, a young girl, on the cusp of womanhood, hoping to receive healing powers from the spirits, is sold into slavery by her father. She spends long weeks as a maiden (aka virgin) being given all the worst jobs by the head concubine while the master is away at war, but her healing skills gain her friends and followers both high and low.

Then the High Lord visits her master and decides to take her as his concubine. Can Tera gain her powers before the High Lord takes her virginity? Can she escape and return to her own people? Has life amongst warriors changed her?

This seemed like an awful lot of world-building and Cinderella-type drudgery followed by a short-lived battle. Seriously, I think I was into the 90%s on my Kindle before the big battle started. It was okay but I don't feel any great need to read the second book in the series.

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