Friday, 18 January 2019

Review: The Tanglewood Tea Shop

The Tanglewood Tea Shop The Tanglewood Tea Shop by Lilac Mills
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Stevie inherits a small fortune from her aunt Peg and decides to use the money to buy a small tea shop in Tanglewood. Moving from working for a Michelin star restaurant in London to a small tea shop in a small village isn't without its challenges but Stevie soon makes friends.

What with dealing with the little old ladies, the yummy mummies and the school children, not to mention her less than supportive family, Stevie has her hands full and don't even get her started on the hunky man she saw riding a horse down the small High Street on her first day in Tanglewood.

I enjoyed this cosy small own romance, surely there's nothing better than reading about scrumptious cakes when you've just started a new diet, right :)? In fact my biggest issue with the novel was Stevie herself. I know that her cluelessness was meant to be humorous but honestly I found it exasperating. How can an intelligent woman in her mid-20s not know that when a riding stables talks about Shetlands they mean Shetland ponies? There were other examples, each one of them jarring rather than funny which didn't really gel with the Stevie we had come to know.

But that was a small niggle, otherwise this was a joy of village life, friendly locals, scrummy cakes and plenty of eye-candy.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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