Thursday, 21 February 2019

Review: The Risk

The Risk The Risk by Elle Kennedy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What happens when the daughter of Briar University's hockey coach starts fake dating the captain of their arch-rivals Harvard?

Jake Connelly is 100% focused on hockey, as captain of Harvard's hockey team its his job to make sure that his team are just as focused and he has to put a stop to the friends with benefits thing that his teammate Josh McCarthy has going on with Brenna Jensen, its messing with McCarthy's head and Jake knows Brenna isn't interested.

Brenna isn't interested in dating, she's all about the hook-up and move on, she's not going to give her heart to anyone. She doesn't even care about McCarthy but when Jake tells her to back off her hackles rise. The two of them have that insane hate chemistry where they could easily kill each other or rip each other's clothes off (possibly both). Then Brenna goes for an intern position at a local hockey network and the misogynist interviewing her is totally disinterested and dismissive until he starts talking about Jake who has been drafted to play for his team, the Oilers, at the start of the next season. Hating herself Jenna tells the creep that she and Jake are dating.

Jake doesn't mind going to dinner at this guy's house and pretending to be Brenna's boyfriend, the only catch? For every fake date he wants a real one. But with the hatred between their rival hockey teams and their coaches growing exponentially is it all going to blow up in their faces?

I liked this, heck I'd read the back of a cereal packet if Elle Kennedy wrote it, but I didn't love it. I guessed what Brenna had done to upset her father quite early on (downside of being old and having read a ton of books) and Jake was too cocky for me, verging on the bossing Brenna around and telling her what to do and what she thought. Yet, Jake was also pretty self-aware and caring - go figure, he was complicated.

These gripes are because I love Elle Kennedy, don't let them detract from the fact that I devoured the book in a single day and enjoyed every second of it. I just want to see Jake's legendary abs :)

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