Monday, 25 February 2019

Review: Wicked with the Scoundrel

Wicked with the Scoundrel Wicked with the Scoundrel by Elizabeth Bright
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 39%.

Colin Smith has been off travelling the world having adventures, just the way he like it. But he has been forced to return to London to raise more money. He has been asked by the Marquess of Chatwell to humour his eccentric daughter Lady Claire Harrison's search for buried roman treasure by 'finding' some jewellery that he has recently buried, in return the Marquess will fund Colin's next treasure hunt.

Lady Claire Harrison is somewhat socially awkward, she has a perfect memory and if left unchecked will tell someone the details of each and every time she has been to a venue (or any other occurrence). She is clearly intended to be portrayed as extremely intelligent if misunderstood and lacking in social skills (think Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory).

I tried with this book but I just couldn't get into the writing, it felt artificial as if the author was talking in a fake English aristocratic accent as she wrote the book. I thought both Colin and Claire were unlikable characters and the insta-lurve that Claire experienced didn't ring true - why would she fall in love with such a boorish man?

I picked the book up again to give it one last chance and nope, just couldn't carry on.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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