Saturday, 16 May 2020

Review: Conventionally Yours

Conventionally Yours Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Alden is socially inept, perhaps on the autism spectrum, perhaps not. He likes rules and regulations and thins being just so (as do I). Conrad is his opposite, charming, casual and someone who makes friends easily. The two of them play Odyssey in a weekly game which is narrated and blogged by one of their professors. Conrad thinks that Alden is uber-critical and sneers at him, Alden thinks Conrad finds him boring and a stick-in-the-mud.

When their professor is given free tickets and competition entries to the Odyssey convention in Las Vegas they all make plans to drive cross-country to the convention, but first the professor and then one of their team fall out, leaving Alden and Conrad to spend six days driving across America together. Squabbling over directions and food stops turns into friendship and romance, but when the two of them come head-to-head in the tournament that they both desperately need to win, will romance survive?

I really liked the sound of this geeky, enemies to lovers, road trip romance and was thrilled to be gifted an ARC by the publisher. While the plot was pleasant enough I just felt that Annabeth Albert was trying too hard to be politically correct, with the gender-indeterminate friend who felt like a plot device. I have no idea if Odyssey is a real game (google would suggest not) but I really didn't get a feel for the game at all. Similarly, Conrad and Alden's romance was of the fade-to-black variety and I got the overwhelming impression that it was because the author didn't know how to write about gay sex. Heck there was mild swearing, a few F-bombs were dropped but no-one mentioned a c*ck at all. I felt, and it was only an impression, that Annabeth Albert had seen that YA/NA gay romances were a thing and so set out to write one without much knowledge of the subject. As a consequence it felt a bit like a road trip with two fourteen year olds and we hit every teenage cliché known to man.

I liked this, and I felt there was a great book trying to get out but I wouldn't recommend it.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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