Sunday, 3 May 2020

Review: The Seventh Star

The Seventh Star The Seventh Star by Mark Hayden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Four and a half stars.

How to guarantee success for your Bollywood-themed charity fund-raiser? Have the Fae Princess Birkdale (that the mundane world see as a famous WAG, model and Instagram star, Tara Doyle) drop uninvited and stay for selfies. But Tara Doyle has an ulterior motive (when don't the Fae have an ulterior motive, or ten?). One of her people was assassinated and she wants Conrad, in his capacity as Watch Captain at Large, to investigate to prevent an 'orgy of retaliation'.

Conrad's investigation leads him to Canal Street in Manchester, a drag queen called Fae Klass, dwarves, gnomes, a new job title and something that is most definitely not werew*lv*s, well probably not. And just to make things super awkward Conrad has a new partner, Karina from the Forest of Arden, and the ensuing murder investigation leads to him seeking the assistance of (drum roll please) Tom Morton! OMG, fan-girl squee, mortal enemies join together to investigate a crime. Tom doesn't know about the supernatural world and Conrad has to keep it a secret, pretty difficult when there are 'not' werew*lv*s running around!

I just loved this, as much as the others, I love the character development of everyone, especially Mina who rocks being an accountant with attitude, the plot is fast and furious and I can't wait for the next book.

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