Sunday, 2 August 2020

Review: The Jake Ryan Complex

The Jake Ryan Complex The Jake Ryan Complex by Bethany Crandell
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 49%.

I loved the film Sixteen Candles so I loved the premise of a woman desperately seeking her very own Jake Ryan, complicated by the fact that she's told her overbearing mother that she has a boyfriend who is also a doctor. Maybe that second bit should have been a warning signal?

Mackenzie Huntress is an obstetrician who struggles to find a guy to date more than once, even when her so-called friends set her up with guys they turn out to be cry-babies, or open-mouthed eaters, or over-users of innuendo. Mac's younger sister is getting married and now she has to produce her fictional boyfriend in less than two months to avoid her mother creating a scene and ruining the wedding.

So there were three things that made me give up with this book:

1. Mac is a doctor with her own practice but she acts like a tweenager
2. Mac is comparing every man to her teenage crush, who was a fictional character, I get having a soft spot for a swoon-worthy character but not comparing every man to him!
3. the ludicrous way Mac's mother decides that a man she's never met can babysit an awkward aunt at the wedding FFS

I'm almost halfway through and the characters are grating, so I'm giving up.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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