My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was hooked when I saw the blurb, like Malory Towers for grown-ups, and it really is.
Maggie Adair is a schoolteacher from a rough inner city comprehensive in Glasgow who swaps it all for a position at an exclusive girls' boarding school called Downey House in Cornwall.
The second book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger for Maggie and David, the English teacher from the boy's boarding school just over the hill from Downey House and book 3 starts with the fall out from those events.
I have no idea why I bought this in three parts when the book was available so I am just going to review the whole thing. Neither school is happy with what happened and David has been forced to leave, Maggie has been instructed not to contact David in any way if she wants to keep her job. Both of them face massive upheaval (which I totally won't spoil) and there is a new scholarship girl joining the school.
So if you wished that Enid Blyton had written books for adults then this lovely series could be the one for you.
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