Sunday, 17 January 2021

Review: You’ve Got Mail

You’ve Got Mail You’ve Got Mail by Kate G. Smith
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 21%.

And so my dismal reading record for 2021 continues ...

This sounded such fun, Grace Wharton gets dumped by email - by a complete stranger, although how he emailed her work email address by mistake is a mystery. I suspect, and suspected right from the start, that the email was deliberately sent by someone trying to get to talk to Grace. Grace starts up a snippy conversation with said anonymous dumper - frankly I enjoyed that but there was too little of it and too much of the other stuff.

Grace works for a window company which was named after the founder and recently renamed to the founder's initials after paying exorbitant sums to a consultant, the initials? C.O.W., oh how we laughed, not. Grace has worked there for years, hates it, makes absolutely no effort and routinely deletes/throws away work documents without bothering to do anything with them. Her boss is her BFF and flatmate but she even tunes her out at work. Strike one. Hate your job? Look for another one but do the job they pay you to do.

Grace is also gaga over Jack Lockett, a guy in her office. Despite being a complete slacker and bad at her job, Grace is picked to go to a prestigious conference with Jack and make a presentation (make or do? both sound wrong). Even when working side-by-side with Jack she still pays absolutely no attention to anything he says, she is on her way to the conference and she has absolutely no idea of the content she is supposed to deliver!

I truly, honestly wanted to punch Grace in the face for being such a stupid C.O.W. (okay that worked for me) and frankly single-handedly putting the cause of feminism back 20 years. Why anyone would want to date her, work with her, or be her friend I cannot fathom. Anyway, I predict that the mysterious dumper is either Jack or Grace's platonic friend/flatmate Harry. Probably totally wrong on both fronts.

Anyway, I picked it up and put it down three times, and for me three times is the charm, although it was ridiculously early in the book I had enough and gave up at 21%.

I received a free copy of his book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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