Monday, 6 November 2023

Review: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book 2 of this series does not disappoint. It also comes with a great prologue which gives some good world building detail about how New Atlantis came to be, timeframes, etc. Basically, Atlantis was ruled by the Arcana, a group of twenty-two individuals which humans have sort of warped into the tarot cards. Each Arcana is the head of a house, and nobility of that house are called Scions.

We found out in the first book that Max, Rune's (Lord Sun) ward (for want of a better description) was pledged by his grandmother (Lady Hearts) to The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is determined to marry Max, against his will and Rune must do everything to stop him. Since The Hanged Man is doing everything according to protocol, in order to move against him Rune needs a plausible excuse, which Brand finds for him. A former member of Rune's father's Sun Court has petitioned Rune for assistance in finding her adoptive son Layne, who she believes has run away/been enticed away by The Hanged Man.

This was brilliant, Rune is slowly acquiring a family/court, he's building alliances, learning about his gifts. Argh, its 4am and I'm trying to recall another urban fantasy series where the hero did something similar, coming from nothing but building strength through alliances/favours.

Anyway, this novel leads us into dens of iniquity and depravity, we see lots of unusual creatures, and board a WW2 destroyer full of ghosts.

Loving this series.

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