Monday, 6 November 2023

Review: Reckless

Reckless Reckless by Elsie Silver
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

And finally it's Winter's turn.

Winter is the doctor half-sister of Summer from the first book whose husband treated Summer and then essentially groomed her until she was eighteen, then started a relationship with her on the downlow, until he met and married Winter.

The book opens with Winter finally physically leaving her husband, after choosing to work at the small hospital in Chestnut Springs instead of the large hospital where both he and her estranged mother work.

As she drives she calls Summer and asks to meet, ever-forgiving Summer invites her to the ranch where the family are gathering for dinner. Little does Winter know that the obnoxious cowboy driving too close in the icy conditions is non-other than Summer's fiancee Rhett's protegee Theo, fledgling bull-rider. The two of them have a battle of words, but nothing Winter says can wipe the smile off Theo's face.

One thing leads to another, there's a one-night stand, and Winter becomes pregnant (despite undergoing fertility treatment with her ex Doctor Douche to try to get pregnant). Winter tries to get hold of Theo to tell him but he brushes her off, only to move into the house next to hers after he is
injured by a bull.

This opposites attract, one-night stand, secret baby romance was fast-paced and I rocketed through it. Now give me Rhett's brother's book NOW.

Read on my KIndle Unlimited subscription.

View all my reviews

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